We isolate those jokes here so people can avoid To get upset or complain, usually about political incorrectness or What you will find here are the jokes that cause certain types of people In my opinion the funniest jokes are mostly in the other Sections - none of this joke collection is censored or watered downįor children. That's not atĪll true there are plenty of offensive, 'dirty' jokes in the other This chapter contains the sickest, most offensive jokes I was sent.Ī lot of people come here first, thinking that these jokes will be theīest, because the others are 'clean' and not as good. If you thought the dirty jokes in the regular sections were bad, then Nasty, Offensive Jokes Nasty, Offensive Jokes If youĪre under 18, check with your parents before browsing these jokes. This page contains direct links to the best jokes from the early yearsīe warned that this is not a joke collection for children. Best of RHF: Nasty, Evil, Offensive Jokes